The research by Aviva UK Health also found 41 per cent of doctors feel there should be less reliance on drugs to treat depression.
Dr Doug Wright, head of clinical development at Aviva, said: "Anti-depressants are incredibly effective and a brilliant treatment for depression. But there are alternatives.
"What GPs are telling us is that they are struggling to access other services."
Here, two women who have been prescribed anti-depressants tell LYNSEY HAYWOOD their experiences.
Lorraine Waters

MUM-OF-FOUR Lorraine Waters, 37, from Bootle, Liverpool, has been on and off anti-depressants for six years.
She says: "I split up with my husband in 2005 and everything felt like it was wrong. I just couldn't function as a person or as a mum. I stopped going out, I couldn't get up in the morning, I couldn't take my kids to school.
"Everywhere I looked there were black clouds and although I was in a terrible state I refused any help. It was my mum who booked me an appointment with my GP and dragged me there.
"She and my younger sister Danielle had used anti-depressants in the past and could see what was happening, even if I couldn't. The doctor confirmed I was suffering from severe depression and wrote me a prescription for Prozac.
"I was told it would take about a month for them to work, but I felt a real difference in just 6-8 hours – but that turned into a roller-coaster. The first week I was emotional and teary, the second week I felt almost suicidal. By the third I was on top of the world.
"For the first time in months I could get myself out of bed, I was chatty, meeting up with friends and back to my old self. I was happier than I'd been for years. I didn't care that it had taken medication to get me there. I felt not taking them would have been selfish to my children.
"I did have some side-effects, including itchy skin, light headedness and bad sweats. And I was increasingly concerned I'd be on them for life.
"So after a year, without telling my GP I cut my dosage in half for a few weeks and then I dropped them altogether.
"Coming off them gave me withdrawal symptoms, like mild insomnia and the shakes, but that was only temporary – and I knew I didn't need them to make me happy any more.
"I was fine for three years but then I hit another bad period. Getting prescribed anti-depressants again was so easy, but this time I said I didn't want the same side-effects so was put on sertraline, which does the same job without the negatives.
"I do feel dependent on them now which I know isn't a good thing but I've weaned myself off them in the past and will do again when the time is right. Taking anti-depressants is nothing to be ashamed of and I couldn't have coped without them."
Mandie Holgate

I'm in control of my life' ... Mandie Holgate found cognitive behavioural therapy worked to ease her depression
MANDIE Holgate, 37, from Colchester, Essex, started taking anti-depressants after the birth of her second child.
She says: "From the outside, no one would have realised anything was wrong. I had everything – good looks, a nice house, two beautiful kids and a loving marriage. Inside I was a complete wreck. I didn't want to live any more.
"After the birth of Sophie, my second child, in 2004, I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression. My doctor prescribed me anti-depressants but these made me feel worse.
"Instead of feeling elated at having a newborn baby, I felt a constant sense of grief and sadness – like a horrible black blanket had enveloped me. But it was something I didn't want to admit it when my life was so 'great'.
"Every week the doctors upped my dose of anti-depressants but this only worsened my mood. I thought the only way out would be to kill myself.
"I tried taking an overdose of pills but both times I woke up again. After a year, I saw a counsellor and started cognitive behavioural therapy. I had reflexology and was able to come off the pills.
"My recovery wasn't easy but I took each day as it came and accepted I had an illness and stopped feeling ashamed.
"I started to believe in myself and decided to train as a life coach, to help other people through similar situations. I've been free of anti-depressants for five years. I'm in control of my life – the sadness in my eyes has been replaced with a sparkle of real happiness." ( )
Alternative treatments
EXERCISE: Just 25 minutes a day can help beat depression, according to psychologists in Dallas, Texas.
ST JOHN'S WORT: A herbal remedy that German scientists believe is more effective than Prozac.
B12 VITAMIN: Studies have found a link between B12 deficiency and depression. Take a supplement or meat, fish and cheese are B12-rich.
LIGHT THERAPY: Used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder.
MEDITATION: Can relieve depression, anxiety and stress.
ACUPUNCTURE: Ancient remedy where tiny needles are inserted into the body to treat anxiety.
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