Happiness reduces risk of early death - Scientists at London's University College this week claimed keeping cheerful could reduce your risk of an early death by 35 per cent - And in new book Spontaneous Happiness Andrew Weil says certain lifestyle choices can help us all maintain a happy existence.
Here are his top ways to keep the blues at bay and a smile on your face.
Turn off TV
TODAY, argues Weil, many of us are choking on "data smog" – a dense cloud of trivial, irrelevant or otherwise low-value information made possible by the internet and television.
The result is fractured attention spans and weak human relationships.
Monitor the time you spend watching TV, surfing the net and texting in a given week. Then cut it by at least 25 per cent the following week.
Use the time for outings in nature, exercise or face-to-face communication with friends.
If you like the result, keep restricting virtual-life "surfing" and expanding real-life human experiences.
SMILING and laughing are potent mood boosters. One way to quickly inspire laughter is via laughter yoga.
Begun by physician Dr Madan Kataria from India, the first "social laughter club" was in March 1995 with a handful of people.
Now there are more than six thousand clubs in 60 different countries. The method used in laughter clubs is straightforward.
After brief physical and breathing exercise, people simulate laughter with vigorous "ha-ha" and "ho-ho"-ing. In the group setting, this fake laughter soon becomes real, contagious and may continue for a half hour or more.
Regular participation has been shown to improve health in a variety of ways, including a lowering of levels of stress hormone, cortisol.
JUST like forgiveness, gratitude can help lift a low mood. One powerful method is keeping a "gratitude journal". Spending a specific time each day or week recording things for which one is grateful can boost happiness levels in as little as three weeks.
A less formal practice – one that Weil follows – is to devote a few moments of meditation every morning to silently give thanks for all of the good things in life.
As a result of doing this for several years, Weil says he found himself often making mental notes throughout the day of blessings such as flowers opening in the garden, or a glorious sunset.
Of all of the practices listed in this article, Weil believes that learning to feel and express gratitude may be the most important in achieving and maintaining a happy life.
Fish oil
ADEQUATE levels of these nutrients in the bloodstream have been strongly tied to emotional health.
They are really necessary and deficiencies are so common in the developed world, that I believe everyone, depressed or not, should take them on a regular basis.
Take a quality, molecularly-distilled fish oil supplement daily – look for one that provides EPA and DHA – both omega fatty acids.
Weil also recommends taking 2,000IU of vitamin D daily.
Anti-inflammatory diet
INFLAMMATION in the body can be normal but it has destructive potential. We see it when the immune system mistakenly attacks normal tissues in diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
Inappropriate inflammation may also underlie depression.
Weil's anti-inflammatory diet consists of whole, unprocessed foods selected to reduce inflammation and provide vitamins.
It consists of fruit and veg, fatty cold-water fish, healthy whole grains and olive oil.
HUMAN bodies are designed for physical activity. The sedentary nature of modern life probably plays a significant role in today's high levels of depression. Many patients who stick to exercise regimes improve as much as those treated with medication.
Many exercise forms – aerobic, yoga, weights, walking and more – have been shown to benefit mood. Typical programmes last eight to 14 weeks. You should have three to four sessions a week, of at least 20 minutes each. For treatment of depression or anxiety disorders, activities of moderate intensity such as brisk walking are more successful than anything too vigorous. Weuk is a fan of integrative exercise, such as gardening, or cycling to work.
Most people find it easier to stick to activities like this than to lift weights or run on a treadmill.
FORGIVENESS is often quoted as being a key to happiness and modern research confirms this long-held belief.
It seems like common sense that those who can quickly and easily forgive enjoy better emotional health – but researchers just wanted to check.
Conversely, resentment feeds depression and can spiral into a self-reinforcing low mood.
Fortunately, the ability to forgive can be cultivated.
Controlled breaths
CONSCIOUS breath control is a tool for achieving a clear state of mind.
Try the 4-7-8 (or relaxing) breath. Sit with your back straight. Place tip of tongue against ridge of tissue just behind upper front teeth and keep it there through the entire exercise.
You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue – try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward. Then exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
Close mouth, inhale quietly through nose to a mental count of four. Hold breath for a seven count.
Exhale completely via mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight. This is one breath.
Inhale again and repeat three more times for a total of four breaths. This exercise is a natural tranquilliser for the nervous system. ( thesun.co.uk )
Here are his top ways to keep the blues at bay and a smile on your face.

Be happy ... laughing is a mood booster
Turn off TV
TODAY, argues Weil, many of us are choking on "data smog" – a dense cloud of trivial, irrelevant or otherwise low-value information made possible by the internet and television.
The result is fractured attention spans and weak human relationships.
Monitor the time you spend watching TV, surfing the net and texting in a given week. Then cut it by at least 25 per cent the following week.
Use the time for outings in nature, exercise or face-to-face communication with friends.
If you like the result, keep restricting virtual-life "surfing" and expanding real-life human experiences.
SMILING and laughing are potent mood boosters. One way to quickly inspire laughter is via laughter yoga.
Begun by physician Dr Madan Kataria from India, the first "social laughter club" was in March 1995 with a handful of people.
Now there are more than six thousand clubs in 60 different countries. The method used in laughter clubs is straightforward.
After brief physical and breathing exercise, people simulate laughter with vigorous "ha-ha" and "ho-ho"-ing. In the group setting, this fake laughter soon becomes real, contagious and may continue for a half hour or more.
Regular participation has been shown to improve health in a variety of ways, including a lowering of levels of stress hormone, cortisol.
JUST like forgiveness, gratitude can help lift a low mood. One powerful method is keeping a "gratitude journal". Spending a specific time each day or week recording things for which one is grateful can boost happiness levels in as little as three weeks.
A less formal practice – one that Weil follows – is to devote a few moments of meditation every morning to silently give thanks for all of the good things in life.
As a result of doing this for several years, Weil says he found himself often making mental notes throughout the day of blessings such as flowers opening in the garden, or a glorious sunset.
Of all of the practices listed in this article, Weil believes that learning to feel and express gratitude may be the most important in achieving and maintaining a happy life.
Fish oil
ADEQUATE levels of these nutrients in the bloodstream have been strongly tied to emotional health.
They are really necessary and deficiencies are so common in the developed world, that I believe everyone, depressed or not, should take them on a regular basis.
Take a quality, molecularly-distilled fish oil supplement daily – look for one that provides EPA and DHA – both omega fatty acids.
Weil also recommends taking 2,000IU of vitamin D daily.
Anti-inflammatory diet
INFLAMMATION in the body can be normal but it has destructive potential. We see it when the immune system mistakenly attacks normal tissues in diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
Inappropriate inflammation may also underlie depression.
Weil's anti-inflammatory diet consists of whole, unprocessed foods selected to reduce inflammation and provide vitamins.
It consists of fruit and veg, fatty cold-water fish, healthy whole grains and olive oil.
HUMAN bodies are designed for physical activity. The sedentary nature of modern life probably plays a significant role in today's high levels of depression. Many patients who stick to exercise regimes improve as much as those treated with medication.
Many exercise forms – aerobic, yoga, weights, walking and more – have been shown to benefit mood. Typical programmes last eight to 14 weeks. You should have three to four sessions a week, of at least 20 minutes each. For treatment of depression or anxiety disorders, activities of moderate intensity such as brisk walking are more successful than anything too vigorous. Weuk is a fan of integrative exercise, such as gardening, or cycling to work.
Most people find it easier to stick to activities like this than to lift weights or run on a treadmill.
FORGIVENESS is often quoted as being a key to happiness and modern research confirms this long-held belief.
It seems like common sense that those who can quickly and easily forgive enjoy better emotional health – but researchers just wanted to check.
Conversely, resentment feeds depression and can spiral into a self-reinforcing low mood.
Fortunately, the ability to forgive can be cultivated.
Controlled breaths
CONSCIOUS breath control is a tool for achieving a clear state of mind.
Try the 4-7-8 (or relaxing) breath. Sit with your back straight. Place tip of tongue against ridge of tissue just behind upper front teeth and keep it there through the entire exercise.
You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue – try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward. Then exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
Close mouth, inhale quietly through nose to a mental count of four. Hold breath for a seven count.
Exhale completely via mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight. This is one breath.
Inhale again and repeat three more times for a total of four breaths. This exercise is a natural tranquilliser for the nervous system. ( thesun.co.uk )
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